perl - Parsing XML data into a different structure -

i have below xml file , trying parse it

<books>   <book name="first" feed="contentfeed" mode="modes" />   <book name="first" feed="communityfeed" mode="modes" region="1"/>   <book name="second" feed="contentfeed" mode="" />   <book name="second" feed="communityfeed" mode="modes" />   <book name="second" feed="articlefeed" mode="modes" />  </books> 

i using perl version 5.8 xml::simple. below code have written

    use xml::simple;      $xs = new xml::simple( keyattr => { book => 'name' } , forcearray => [ 'book','name' ] );     $config = $xs->xmlin( <complete path xml file> ); 

below result (displayed using data::dumper)

'book' => {     'first' => {         'feed'   => 'communityfeed',         'mode'   => 'modes',         'region' => '1'     },     'second' => {         'feed' => 'articlefeed',         'mode' => 'modes'     }, } 

instead have output in format below

'book' => {     'first' => {         'communityfeed' => { mode => 'modes', region => '1' },         'contentfeed'   => { mode => 'modes' }     },     'second' => {         'communityfeed' => { mode => 'modes' },         'contentfeed'   => { mode => '' },         'articlefeed'   => { mode => 'modes' }     }, } 


  1. the xml file format cannot changed current production version
  2. perl version 5.8 preferred version used in parent script , parsing logic should merged script

have encountered kind of issue before? if how can tackled?

xml::simple awkward , frustrating module use, , doubt if can persuade build data structure require. other xml parser step forward

here's solution using xml::twig. can interrogate parsed xml data , build whatever data structure it

i've used data::dump display resulting data

use strict; use warnings 'all';  use xml::twig;  $config;  {     $twig = xml::twig->new;     $twig->parsefile('books.xml');      $book ( $twig->findnodes('/books/book') ) {          $atts = $book->atts;         ( $name, $feed ) = delete @{$atts}{qw/ name feed /};          $config->{book}{$name}{$feed} = $atts;     } }  use data::dump; dd $config; 


{   book => {     first  => {                 communityfeed => { mode => "modes", region => 1 },                 contentfeed   => { mode => "modes" },               },     second => {                 articlefeed   => { mode => "modes" },                 communityfeed => { mode => "modes" },                 contentfeed   => { mode => "" },               },   }, }