i making dimmer in arduino using potentiometer , found website told me convert analog values (0-1023) voltage (0-255). line converted divided 255 1023 , multiplied potentiometer reading. line ledwrite = (255./1023.) * potread;
. tried write ledwrite = (255/1023) * potread;
, periods, code wouldn't run.
what's ./n.
the assignment
ledwrite = (255./1023.) * potread;
is equivalent to
ledwrite = (255.0 / 1023.0) * potread;
that is, trailing zero can omitted.
on arduino uno, constants interpreted doubles , result of division double value.
at present time, note double , float have same precision (4 bytes) on arduino boards, exception of arduino due.
in following line
ledwrite = (255/1023) * potread;
the 2 numeric literals interpreted integers , division operation 1 among integers, in case returns 0 since 255 smaller |1023|.