css - Ionic 2 starters qns on tutorial -

hi i'm new ionic 2 , i'm unsure of of following code in .html file under (page)

<ion-content padding class="getting-started"> //question 1       <h3>hello world!</h3>  <p>      learning login page </p> <p>      <button primary menutoggle>toggle menu</button> //question 2 </p>  </ion-content> 

as follows,

on question 1)

what --> padding class="getting-started" <-- defines?

if written --> class="getting-started" <-- understand pointing class in css file.

question 2)

what --> primary menutoggle <-- does?

i mean, unsure if menutoggle built-in function, , why there primary before menutoggle.

if it's function, pointing to?


i realise css have linked via /app/theme/app.core.scss before work.


both primary , padding css properties of ionic

take @ documentation theming more information on how use them , each of them do: http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/theming/