i have made website friend, , have 'div's contains 'p's. when viewing on browser, centered in div. (chrome, 24in screen, win10). when view in other browser, same true.
when visit site on dad's computer (chrome/safari, 27in screen, os x), 'p's aligned top of 'div'.
i wondering if there way fix this.
any suggestions great.
it's showing aligned top on computer (osx) may os specific version of chrome that's making happen. easiest thing set line-height same height parent element. in situation this:
.content-head { height: 80px; width: 60%; text-align: center; background-color: #ff69b4; } p { line-height: 80px; color: #fdfdfc; }
<div class="content-head"> <p>things , stuff</p> </div>
that should fix it. if you're using sass can define variable height nothing gets messed if want change it.