the following expression
$datetime = new \datetime('2016-06-02 19:30:17', new \datetimezone('america/tijuana')); $datetime->settimezone(new \datetimezone('gmt'));
is returning 2016-06-03 02:30:17.000000
(note outputting 0's not present in input).
so in yii2's query building, query against db datetime column following, cannot made because of trailing 0's.
->andfilterwhere(['created_at' => $this->datetime->format('php:y-m-d h:i:s')]);
why datetime object outputting 0's in first place?
i suppose comparison between
or operands >=
might do, thoughts?
those microseconds generated default default format y-m-d h:i:s.u
. can override specifying y-m-d h:i:s
if that's want.