elasticsearch - Find the first doc for each property value -

i'm trying first document has specific property. example have 50 docs property "a":"1", different dates. 100 docs "a":"2" there way query first doc of each "a" value date?

not wanted, run following show results match a:1 or a:2 , order results wanted.

{   "sort": {     "your_timestamp_field": {       "order": "desc"     }   },   "query": {     "filtered": {       "filter": {         "or": [           {             "term": {               "a": 1             }           },           {             "term": {               "a": 2             }           }         ]       }     }   } } 

you run multiple queries using msearch. example

place below in file named requests

{"index": "your-index"} {"size":1,"sort":{"@timestamp":{"order":"desc"}},"query":{"filtered":{"filter":{"term":{"a":"1"}}}}} {"index": "your-index"} {"size":1,"sort":{"@timestamp":{"order":"desc"}},"query":{"filtered":{"filter":{"term":{"a":"2"}}}}} 

then run

curl -xget http://localhost:9200/your-index/_msearch --data-binary @requests; echo