graphics - collision detection in java -

i making breakout game. have 2 class: brick class displays array of brick images , ball class moves ball image around window. i'm trying figure out how make brick disappear when ball hits 1 of brick. appreciated.

brick class:

public class brick {     private url url;     private image brick;     image [][] bricks = new image[50][3];      public brick (breakout br){         url = br.getdocumentbase();         brick = br.getimage(br.getdocumentbase(),"brick.png");          for(int =0; < bricks.length; i++)             for(int j = 0; j < bricks[0].length; j++)                 bricks[i][j] = brick;     }      public void update(breakout br){}      public void paint(graphics g, breakout br){         brick = br.getimage(br.getdocumentbase(),"brick.png");          int imagewidth = imagewidth = bricks[0][0].getwidth(br);         int imageheight = imageheight = bricks[0][0].getheight(br);          (int = 0; < bricks.length; i++)             ( int j =0; j < bricks[0].length; j++)                g.drawimage(brick, * imagewidth + 5, j* imageheight + 5, br);     } } 

ball class:

public class ball {     private int x=355 ;     private int y=200;     private int speed = 8;     private int xvel = -speed;     private int yvel = speed;     private boolean gameover = false;      private image ball;      public ball (breakout br){          ball = br.getimage(br.getdocumentbase(),"ball.png");       }     public void update(breakout br, paddle p){        x += xvel;        y += yvel;        if (x < 0){            xvel = speed;         }        else if (x > br.getwidth()){             xvel = -speed;         }        if(y > br.getheight()){            gameover = true;         }        else if (y < 0){             yvel = speed;         }         collision(p);     }     public void collision(paddle p){         int px = p.getx();         int py = p.gety();         int pheight = p.getimageheight();         int pwidth = p.getimagewidth();          if (px<=x && px+pwidth>=x && py-pheight<=y && py+pheight>=y){            yvel = -speed;         }     }     public int getx(){         return x;     }     public int gety(){         return y;     }      public void paint (graphics g, breakout br){         g.drawimage(ball,x,y,br);         if (gameover){             g.setcolor(color.white);             g.drawstring("game over", 100,300);         }     } } 

thanks :)

you can use rectangle.intersects().

create getbounds() method both ball , brick classes. create virtual rectangle surrounding entities.

public rectangle getbounds(){     return new rectangle(x, y, ballsizex, ballsizey); } 

then detecting collision like:

if(ball.getbounds().intersects(brick.getbounds())){     dosomething(); } 

more info here if need it.