c# - How to correctly configure Selenium WebDriver, in a way it doesn't affect browsing? -

i'm developing workflow test webapp selenium, seems breaking ability of browsers browse beyond local web page browsers. before using app uses selenium works fine browsers, when run it when affects browsers.

i running app ie must, doing on ie11 on windows 7, zoom on 100% , protected mode enabled sites.

code sample below

var o = new internetexploreroptions(); var p = new proxy(); p.isautodetect = true; o.proxy = proxy; o.pageloadstrategy = internetexplorerpageloadstrategy.normal; o.enablenativeevents = false; o.ignorezoomlevel = true; o.requirewindowfocus = false; o.introduceinstabilitybyignoringprotectedmodesettings = true;  var d = new internetexplorerdriver(options); driver.navigate().gotourl("local site goes here"); 

including , modifying code sample shared you. hope helps :

// proxy configs proxy proxy = new proxy(); proxy.isautodetect = true; // ie options config internetexploreroptions options = new internetexploreroptions(); options.proxy = proxy; options.pageloadstrategy = internetexplorerpageloadstrategy.normal; options.enablenativeevents = false; options.ignorezoomlevel = true; options.requirewindowfocus = false; options.introduceinstabilitybyignoringprotectedmodesettings = true; // driver capabilities config desiredcapabilities capabilities = desiredcapabilities.internetexplorer(); capabilities.setcapability(internetexploreroptions.capability, options); //driver initialisation webdriver driver = new internetexplorerdriver(capabilities); driver.navigate().gotourl("local site goes here");