how to find neighbors for cell in akari by prolog -

i try solve akari/light-up game in prolog . firstly want find 4 cells around cell neighbors() gives 1 cell ... after want find cells in y cell yneighbors() .... useful ..... code :

size(8,8).  wall(1,6). wall(2,2). wall(2,3). wall(3,7). wall(4,1). wall(4,5). wall(5,4). wall(5,8). wall(6,2). wall(7,6). wall(7,7). wall(8,3).  wallnum(1,6,1). wallnum(2,2,3). wallnum(3,7,0). wallnum(5,4,4). wallnum(5,8,0). wallnum(6,2,2). wallnum(7,6,1).  light(1,2). light(1,7). light(2,1). light(2,8). light(3,2). light(4,4). light(4,6). light(5,3). light(5,5). light(6,1). light(6,4). light(7,2). light(7,8). light(8,6).  cell(x,y):-x>0,x<9,y>0,y<9.  neighbors(x,y,l):-cell(x,y), cell(x+1,y),x1 x + 1,y1 y  ,l =[x1,y1]; cell(x-1,y),x1 x - 1,y1 y  ,l=[x1,y1]; cell(x,y+1),x1 x    ,y1 y + 1 ,l=[x1,y1]; cell(x,y-1),x1 x    ,y1 y - 1 ,l=[x1,y1].  yneighbors(x,y,l):-cell(x,y+1),l=[x,y]. 

this looking for:

neighbor(x,y,nx,y):-     nx x-1,     cell(nx,y).  neighbor(x,y,nx,y):-     nx x+1,     cell(nx,y).  neighbor(x,y,x,ny) :-     ny y-1,     cell(x,ny).  neighbor(x,y,x,ny) :-     ny y+1,     cell(x,ny).  neighbors(x,y,l) :-     findall(neighbor(nx,ny),neighbor(x,y,nx,ny),l). 


predicate calls cell(x+1,y) ill-formed. equivalent cell(+(x,1),y). should notice x+1 term, not mathematical expression. so, not evaluated.

mathematical expressions evaluated means of is/2.

you should review prolog knowledge since code has no sense.


will fail.

if persist in predicate calls cell(x+y,z), should evaluate arguments cell/2:

cell(x,y) :-    evalx x,    evaly y,    evaly > 0,     ... 

but, discourage such practice.