python - What is the best approach with compiling PySide application -

i have lot of pain while compiling pyside code linux...much less windows, , source around 300kb. know safest way compile it.

  1. is best compile qt, pyside bindings, python 2.7, , every import separate process?

1.1. if way, easier trace errors?

  1. does qt4-qmake have reason use while compiling?

  2. is better rewrite code pyqt instead of pyside?

  3. are depending happy combination of versions, instance: ( qt v4.8.2, pyside 1.0.1, python 2.7.3 ) ?

edit: compiling mean convert python scripts executable windows/linux programs, py2exe, cx_freeze or pyinstaller do.

i appreciate suggestions.

my experience cx_freeze (using python 3.3). works in windows/linux/osx. simple example can found here (with documentation):

another example:

from cx_freeze import setup, executable  # dependencies build_exe_options = {     "packages": ["os", "sys", "glob", "simplejson", "re", "atexit", "pyside.qtcore", "pyside.qtgui", "pyside.qtxml"],     "include_files": [("./example/ui/mainwindow.ui", "ui/mainwindow.ui"),                       ("./example/ui/examplewidget.ui", "ui/examplewidget.ui"),                       ("./example/ui/testdialog.ui", "ui/testdialog.ui"),                       ("./example/resources/style.qss", "ui/style.qss")], # isn't necessary after     "excludes": ["tkinter", "tkconstants", "tcl"],     "build_exe": "build",     "icon": "./example/resources/icons/monitor.ico" }  executable = [     executable("./bin/",                base="win32gui",                targetname="example.exe",                targetdir="build",                copydependentfiles=true) ]  setup(     name="example",     version="0.1",     description="example", # using word "test" makes exe invoke uac in win7. wth?     author="me",     options={"build_exe": build_exe_options},     executables=executable,     requires=['pyside', 'cx_freeze', 'simplejson'] )