How to display SUM of total in email HTML page with SQL only? -

i generating report display in outlook with sql server only.(no editor used)

here codes. have column name "fee" in db. need sum total fee , display in html table "total fee".

as have using as [fee] 'td', hence how code this?

select sum(fee) 'total'  

into table data 'td' ?

how should code that? experts please help. thanks!

enter code here use mys  declare @ytd varchar (4000)   declare @body nvarchar(max)  declare @htmlheader varchar(100)  declare @htmlfooter varchar(100)  --start of html page  set @htmlheader='<html><body>'  set @htmlfooter ='</body></html>'  -- set html header  set @body = @htmlheader + '<meta charset="utf-8">' + '<style>' + 'td {border: solid black;        font: 12px arial} ' + '</style>' + 'report generated on : ' + convert(varchar(50), getdate(), 106)  --set table layout ytd header  declare @ytd_header varchar(max)  set @ytd_header = '<style>' + 'td {border: solid black;     border-width: 1px;     padding-left:5px;     padding-right:5px;     padding-top:1px;     padding-bottom:1px;     word-break: break-all;     word-wrap: break-word;     font: 12px arial} ' + '</style>' + '<h3>year date</h3><table class "ytd_css" border = 1 width="1000"><tr>    <td bgcolor=#f0e68c><b>client id</b></td><td bgcolor=#f0e68c><b>total fee</b></td></tr>'  --select data   set @ytd = cast((   select [clientid] 'td',''  ,[fee] 'td',''  frmtblname  [clientid] = 'mike'  order [date] desc  xml path('tr'), elements ) varchar(max))  set @body = @body + @ytd_header + @ytd +'</table>'  --ending html page  set @body = @body + @htmlfooter  use r_email --send email   exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail  @profile_name='profilename',   @body = @body,  @body_format ='html',  @recipients = '',  @copy_recipients ='',  @subject = 'monthly report' ;