angular - Ignoring errors with flatMap using RXJS -

i'm trying use flatmap make bunch of parallel requests. problem though if 404, whole chain breaks , remainder of requests cancelled. there way catch 404 , return empty response? getiterationsdashboard initial method run.

getallprojects(): observable<models.project[]> {     var = this;      var authheader = new headers();     authheader.append('authorization', `basic ${new buffer('xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:').tostring('base64')}`);     authheader.append('x-tfs-fedauthredirect', 'suppress');      return this.http.get(`${this.baseurl}`, {         headers: authheader     }).map(res => {         let body: models.getprojectsresponse = res.json();          return body.value;     }); }  getallteams(project: models.project): observable<[]> {     var = this;     var urls = [];      return this.makegetrequest<models.getteamsresponse>(`${}/teams`).map(response => {         return response.value;     }).catch(err => {         return observable.empty<[]>();     }); }  getallcurrentiterations(teamid: string, projectid: string): observable<models.iteration[]> {     return this.makegetrequest<models.getiterationsresponse>(`${projectid}/${teamid}/_apis/work/teamsettings/iterations?$timeframe=current`).map(response => {         return response.value;     }).catch((ex, caught) => {         console.log('couldn\'t team');         return observable.from<models.iteration[]>({             length: 0,             value:[]         });     }); }  getiterationsdashboard() {     var = this;      return this.getallprojects().flatmap(projects => {         let dashboard: models.teamsprintdashboard[] = [];           return observable.forkjoin( => {             return that.getallteams(project).flatmap(teamsresponse => {                  return observable.forkjoin( => {                     return that.getallcurrentiterations(, => {                          return {                             projectid:,                             teamid:,                             iterations: iterations ? iterations : []                         };                     }).catch(ex => {                         console.log('no success');                          return observable.empty();                     });                 })).catch(err => {                     return observable.empty();                 });             });         }));      }); }  makegetrequest<t>(requesturl): observable<t> {     var authheader = new headers();     authheader.append('authorization', `basic ${new buffer('k3ulyrj5xaid5tpr7l2hlhgtxeqynmvmlcwa4v47kn6l25eupqkq:').tostring('base64')}`);     authheader.append('x-tfs-fedauthredirect', 'suppress');      return this.http.get(requesturl, {         headers: authheader     }).map(res => {         let body: t = res.json();          return body;     }).catch(err => {         return observable.empty<t>();     }); } 

i think catch should want (needs imported):

return this.http.get(`${this.baseurl}`, {     headers: authheader }).map(res => {     let body: models.getprojectsresponse = res.json();      return body.value; }).catch(err => observable.of(null));