C# finding the shortest and longest word in a array -

i trying find shortest , longest string value based on length , im getting stuck. of script exits after writeline. think code needs help, dont think loop can work on own. assistance appreciated.

        (int = 5; <0; i++)         {             string[] word = new string[5];            console.writeline("type in word");             word[i] = console.readline();               int length = word[i].length;              int min = word[0].length;              int max = word[0].length;              string maxx;              string minn;                 if (length > max)                  {                    maxx = word[i];                    console.write("shortest");                   }              if (length < min)                {                  minn = word[i];                 console.write("longest");               }             }         console.readkey(true);     } 

string[] word = new string[5]; (int = 0;i<= word.length ; i++)             {                 console.writeline("type in word");                 word[i] = console.readline();             }             int min = word[0].length;             int max = word[0].length;             string maxx="";             string minn=""; (int = 0; i<=word.length ; i++)             {               int length = word[i].length;                  if (length > max)                  {                    maxx = word[i];                    }              if (length < min)                {                  minn = word[i];                 console.write("longest");               }             }   console.write("shortest:"+maxx);   console.write("longest"+minn);   console.readkey(true);     } 

accarding code write code.i hope right answer~~thanks!!!