clojure - cl-format reuse the previous parameter -

is there way avoid duplicating 1 in following line using cl-format?

(cl-format true "line~p: ~d\n" 1 1)

cl-user> (format t "line~p: ~:*~d~%" 1) line: 1 nil cl-user> (format t "line~p: ~:*~d~%" 2) lines: 2 nil 

(there's ~n@* go nth argument.) tilde asterisk: go-to

the next arg ignored. ~n* ignores next n arguments.

~:* backs in list of arguments argument last processed processed again. ~n:* backs n arguments.

[…] ~n@* goes nth arg, 0 means first one; n defaults 0, ~@* goes first arg. directives after ~n@* take arguments in sequence beginning 1 gone to.