i practicing developing xamarin android applications , have issue regarding app crashing when handle listviews , spinners lot of data. if there can explain me how reuse views in these objects grateful. in advance.. :)
my code: code in listview case.
apiservices l = new apiservices(); list<string> items = l.fromortopale("pale"); var adapter = new arrayadapter<string>(this, android.resource.layout.simpleexpandablelistitem1, items); _listview = new listview(this) { adapter = adapter };
and in spinner case
apiservices l = new apiservices(); list<string> items = l.fromortopale("pale"); var adapter = new arrayadapter( this, android.resource.layout.simplelistitem1, items); adapter.setdropdownviewresource(android.resource.layout.simplelistitemactivated1); dropdown.adapter = adapter;