java - how to settext() of an text area using list -

i have problem while learning java using netbean in java ui.
have string list called listto. have comboboxmodel contains object. have textarea variable name to, , have button. if click button text area this
" " <- first
second time click button this
"a , b " , on every time click button.

here's code:

 contact = listcon.get(cbcon.getselectedindex() - 1);     listto.add(contact.getnamacontact());          (int = 0; < listto.size(); i++) {             if(i==listto.size()-1){              to.settext(listto.get(i));             }          else{                  to.settext(listto.get(i)+", ");                  }      } 

when click button text area shows last of list.
example when first click button text area "a", , second time text area "b" not "a, b" how text area show of list items have?

don't use settext().

instead can use append(...) method of jtextarea append text existing text.