c# - DataGridView throws odd errors -

simply put added new form program see data directly instead of manipulating though sql. when add data set. , work in designer when go build it erros out

severity code description project file line error cs0426 type name 'db12dataset' not exist in type 'allianceerp' allianceerp c:\users\dhelm.allmatinc.001\documents\visual studio 2013\projects\allianceerp\allianceerp\form2.designer.cs 230

the line referencing private allianceerp.db12dataset db12dataset; redline under db12dataset

and think problem db12data set isnt in location in location ? connection string right , tested @

connection.connectionstring = @"provider=microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0;data source=s:\documents\2015\db12.accdb"; 

where have gone wrong or thinking off?