sql - Pyodbc and Access with query parameter that contains a period -

i found bug access sql queries can't seem track down. have straightforward sql query use retrieve data access database that's "managed" in older application (ie data in database , have no real control on what's in there).

import pyodbc mdb = '******.mdb' drv = '{microsoft access driver (*.mdb)}' pwd = ''  con = pyodbc.connect('driver={};dbq={};pwd={}'.format(drv, mdb, pwd)) sql = ('select estim.partno, estim.descrip, estim.custcode, estim.user_text1, estim.revision, ' +        'estim.comments, routing.partno rpartno, routing.stepno, routing.workcntr, routing.vendcode, ' +        'routing.descrip stepdescrip, routing.setuptime, routing.cycletime, ' +        'routing.workorvend, ' +        'materials.partno matpartno, materials.subpartno, materials.qty, ' +        'materials.unit, materials.totalqty, materials.itemno, materials.vendor ' +        'from (( estim ' +        'inner join routing on estim.partno = routing.partno ) ' +        'inner join materials on estim.partno = materials.partno )')  if 'partno' in kwargs:     key = kwargs['partno']     sql = sql + 'where estim.partno=?'     cursor = con.cursor().execute(sql, key)      # use debuging     num = 0     row in cursor.fetchall():         num += 1     return num 

this works fine partno except when partno contains decimal point. curiously, when partno contains decimal point , hyphen, appropriate record(s).

kwargs['partno'] = "100.100-2" # returns 1 record kwargs['partno'] = "200.100" # returns 0 records 

both partnos exist when viewed in other application, know there should records returned both queries.

my first thought ensure kwargs['partno'] string key = str(kwargs['partno']) no change.

i tried places quotes around 'partno' value no success. key = '\'' + kwargs['partno'] + '\''

finally, tried escape . no success (i realize break queries, i'm trying track down issue single period) key = str(kwargs['partno']).replace('.', '"."')

i know using query parameters should handle escaping me, @ point, i'm trying figure out what's going on. thoughts on this?

so issue isn't query parameters - works should. problem sql statement. incorrectly assumed - , never checked - there record in materials table matched partno.

inner join materials on estim.partno = materials.partno 

will return record if partno found in both tables, in particular case not.


left outer join materials on estim.partno = materials.partno 

produces expected results. see info on joins. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb243855(v=office.12).aspx

as print (repr(key)) - flask handles kwarg type upstream properly

 api.add_resource(partapi, '/api/v1.0/part/<string:partno>' 

so when ran in browser, got "full length" strings. when run in cmd line using python -c ....... not handling argument type gord pointed out, truncating trailing zeros. didn't think flask portion relevant, never added in original question.