ember.js - ember liquid-teather modals - set routes -

i have setup modals, , using liquid-teather.

i have 2 different modals on page - summer-recipe.hbs: 1 x salads modal 1 x smoothies modal

both work.

as both modals on, , open summer-recipe.hbs page. route file routes/summer-recipes.js

is there way set specific route each modal. i'd able set up/have equivalent to:

routes/salads.js routes/smoothies.js

snippets of code 1 modal below:


{{#if showsaladsdialog}} {{#liquid-tether to="modal-dialog" target="document.body" targetmodifier="visible" attachment="middle center" tetherclass="modal-dialog" overlayclass="modal-backdrop"}} <div class="row">     <div class="col-md-9">         <div class="modal-content">             <div class="modal-header">                 <h4 class="modal-title">salads</h4>             </div>              <div class="modal-body">                 <div class="container">                     <div class="row">                         <div class="col-md-12">                             salads content...                         </div><!-- /.right col -->                     </div><!-- /.row -->                 </div><!-- /.container -->             </div>              <div class="modal-footer">                 <button type="button"                         class="btn btn-close" {{action "closesaladsmodaldialog"}}> close                 </button>             </div>         </div>     </div> </div> {{/liquid-tether}} {{/if}} 


  showsaladsdialog: gte('newuser', 1),    actions: {     opensaladsmodaldialog() {       this.set('edituser', 1);     },      closesaladsmodaldialog() {       this.set('edituser', 0);     }   } 

you need define url salads in router.js, create route , use model hook in route collect necessary data. since want create , edit salads should create separate routes also.

this.route('salads', function() {   this.route('new');   this.route('edit', { path: '/salads/:salad_id' }); }); 

now in routes them use model hook createrecord(for new route) or findrecord salad_id params(for edit route).