extjs5 - ExtJS: Checkbox check should not select in tree node -

when checkbox checked, selecting node , triggering 'select' listener (actually triggers kinds of click, cellclick events also)

i have 2 different functionalities checkbox check , selecting node. unable differentiate check , select.

ext.define("app.view.search.resulttree", { extend: "ext.tree.panel", alias: 'widget.resulttree', id: 'resulttree', title: 'results', rootvisible: false, usearrows: true, border: 0, autoscroll: true, height: 680,  emptytext: messages.emptytext.nodatafound,  viewmodel: {     type: "resultviewmodel" },  store: ext.create('somestore'),  listeners: {     checkchange: function (node, checked) {          node.eachchild(function (n) {             node.cascadeby(function (n) {                     n.set('checked', checked);                 }             );         });       },      rowmousedown:function(){         console.log('in rowmouse down');     },      itemclick:function(){         console.log('in itemclick');     },      cellclick: function(){         console.log('in cellclick');     },      select: function(){         console.log('in selection');     } } })