ios - not getting facebook user email despite correct permission -

i have facebook login in app (sdk 3.5) , want user's email. 'core' login code, believe setting correct permissions requested:

nsarray *permissions = [nsarray arraywithobjects:@"email", @"user_location", nil];  [fbsession openactivesessionwithreadpermissions:permissions allowloginui:yes completionhandler:  ^(fbsession *session, fbsessionstate state, nserror *error) {      // code here  }]; 

now when try read users email /me data, works most users. except some, still not email.

am missing here? thought when user grants request always email address (even if it's anonymized email). or there facebook setting users can turn off entirely?

i went through facebook documentation because had same hindrance:

note: field not returned if no valid email address available user


thus when email address becomes invalid (users haven't used facebook in years , have destroyed/changed email address since example), facebook may stop returning field.

5% - 7% of invalid addresses may sound annoying, when check facebook friends, think more 10% of them have stopped using account, , decided not problem if don't address.