i trying number of bits per pixel in bmp file. according wikipedia, supposed @ 28th byte. after reading file:
// przejscie bajtu pod ktorym zapisana jest liczba bitow na pixel plik.seekg(28, ios::beg); // read number of bytes used per pixel int liczbabitow; plik.read((char*)&liczbabitow, 2); cout << "liczba bitow " << liczbabitow << endl;
but liczbabitow (variable supposed hold number of bits per pixel value) -859045864. don't know comes from... i'm pretty lost.
any ideas?
-859045864 can represented in hexadecimal 0xcccc0018.
reading second byte gives 0x0018 = 24bpp.
what happening here, liczbabitow being initialized 0xcccccccc; while plik.read
writing lower 16 bits , leaving upper 16 bits unchanged. changing line should fix issue:
int liczbabitow = 0;
though, this, it's best use datatype matches data:
int16_t liczbabitow = 0;
this can found in <cstdint>