datastax - Cassandra Compacted partition maximum bytes size is higher than total space used for the table -
i working on cassandra version , cqlsh version 5.0.1.
for given table, when run cfstats
command, compacted partition maximum bytes greater space used (total). example: compacted partition maximum bytes: 4.64 mb , space used (total): 2.28 mb. total space used table should higher large/small partition sizes part of total space given table. how compacted partition maximum bytes size higher total space used table?
command : ./cqlsh cfstats keyspace.columnfamilyname -h
can me understand , different between space used (live) , space used (total)?
the space used indicates how space used table on disk. depends on os , compression ratio. whereas compacted partition max bytes max encountered partition size (after compaction). based on data modeling/schema , logical record size used. instance, 100kb record size times 40 records (each going same partition) give 4mb partition.
this when sits on disk may compressed further , may 2mb on disk. can share rest of stats (compression info ex, min , avg size, number of keys)?