java - CarbonCopy to a gmail address doesn't seem to work -

i'm using docusign java sdk , need functionality of carboncopy need send every document person within our company other signer.

so when use gmail address signer email sent. when use gmail address carboncopy recipient email never sent , not error. envelope id returned if went fine.

is there i'm missing? possible make work?

     // login call available off authenticationapi      authenticationapi authapi = new authenticationapi();       // login has optional parameters can set      authenticationapi.loginoptions loginops = loginoptions();      loginops.setapipassword("true");      loginops.setincludeaccountidguid("true");      logininformation logininfo = authapi.login(loginops);       // note given user may member of multiple accounts      list<loginaccount> loginaccounts = logininfo.getloginaccounts();       string accountid = loginaccounts.get(0).getaccountid();       path path = paths.get(sfilepath);      byte[] pdfcontents = files.readallbytes(path);       // create envelope store document(s), field(s), , recipient(s)      envelopedefinition envdef = new envelopedefinition();      envdef.setemailsubject("please sign document sent java sdk)");       // add document envelope      document doc = new document();        string base64doc = datatypeconverter.printbase64binary(pdfcontents);      doc.setdocumentbase64(base64doc);      doc.setname("materialrequisition.pdf");    // can different actual file name      doc.setdocumentid("1");       list<document> docs = new arraylist<document>();      docs.add(doc);      envdef.setdocuments(docs);       // add recipient sign document, identified name , email used above      signer signer = new signer();      signer.setemail(sapproveremail);      signer.setname(sapprovername);      signer.setrecipientid("1");       carboncopy cc = new carboncopy();      cc.setemail(sccemail);      cc.setname(sccname);      cc.setrecipientid("2");       // create signhere tab somewhere on document signer sign      // default unit of measurement pixels, can mms, cms, inches      signhere signhere = new signhere();      signhere.setdocumentid("1");      signhere.setpagenumber("1");      signhere.setrecipientid("1");      signhere.setxposition("100");      signhere.setyposition("710");       // can have multiple tabs, need add envelope single element list      list<signhere> signheretabs = new arraylist<signhere>();            signheretabs.add(signhere);      tabs tabs = new tabs();      tabs.setsignheretabs(signheretabs);      signer.settabs(tabs);       // add recipients (in case single signer) envelope      envdef.setrecipients(new recipients());      envdef.getrecipients().setsigners(new arraylist<signer>());      envdef.getrecipients().getsigners().add(signer);      envdef.getrecipients().getcarboncopies().add(cc);       // send envelope setting |status| "sent". save draft set "created"      envdef.setstatus("sent");       // instantiate new envelopesapi object      envelopesapi envelopesapi = new envelopesapi();       // call createenvelope() api send signature request!      envelopesummary envelopesummary = envelopesapi.createenvelope(accountid, envdef);      logger.debug("envelope id "+ envelopesummary.getenvelopeid());       // delete pdf file logi generated      files.delete(path); 

carboncopy recipients receive email when envelope gets completed parties based on recipient’s order. have @ carbon copies recipient description in link.

debug code , make sure whether carboncopy values gets added inside envdef.getrecipients().getcarboncopies() before hits createenvelope , when full envelope process gets completed signer thereafter copy sent carbon copy recipient mail address, make sure of sign carboncopy recipient email address email must received along completed document can view document..