c# 4.0 - Email Summary using c# -

my intention code send email summary of total reports sent in day , send me summary of every day.these reports stored in database code works fine need add functions it:

  1. subject includes date , total reports sent every day
  2. within body, want include total unfinished reports sent , total reports sent.

        program prog = new program();     bool flag = prog.sendmail();      if (flag)     {         console.write("success!");     }     console.read();  }     public bool sendmail()     {     mailmessage msg = new mailmessage();         msg.to.add("email");         msg.from = new mailaddress("email");//mail account          msg.subject = "fls reports sent "; // o subject = reports sent –           {date} – {total reports sent}         msg.subjectencoding =system.text.encoding.utf8;         msg.isbodyhtml =false; // interim reports sent –  total unfinished                           reports sent , total reports sent          msg.priority = mailpriority.high;          smtpclient client = new smtpclient();         client.credentials = new          system.net.networkcredential("","password");         client.host = "smtp.qq.com";         object userstate = msg;         try         {             client.sendasync(msg, userstate);             return true;         }         catch(exception ex)         {         console.writeline(ex.message);             return false;         }      } 

this connection string database

 sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(@"data source=              (localdb)\projects;initial catalog=fls_db;              integrated security=true;connect timeout=30;encrypt=false;");         try         {              sqlcommand mycmd = con.createcommand();             mycmd.commandtext = (" select count(*) services               servicetype= 1 or servicetype= 2");             con.open();             sqldatareader reader = mycmd.executereader();                         {                 while (reader.read())                 {                      console.writeline("service type = " + reader[0]);                 }               } while (reader.nextresult());             {                 reader.close();              }              console.readkey();         }          catch (sqlexception e)         {             console.writeline(e.message);         }                  {             con.close();         } 

my question how includes date , total reports sent every day within subject in email? how include total number of unfinished , completed reports within body of email?