javascript - ng-Repeat on stacked up cards -

i have 3 cards aligned on top of each other using z-index. trying find way can replicate cards using ng -repeat looks this

first second stack stack of 3 cards of 3 cards

  #edit_card{          position: absolute;          z-index:-150;          width:340px;          height:450px;         background-color:ghostwhite;      }      #learn_more      {          position: absolute;          z-index:-100;          width:340px;          height:450px;          background-color:ghostwhite;      }      #main_card      {          position:absolute;          z-index:50;          width:340px;          height:450px;          background-color:ghostwhite;      }
<div class="md-padding" layout="row" layout-wrap   >          <md-card id="edit_card" >                  <md-card-content ng-class="" style="width:100%;height:100%">                       <img src="" width="45px" height="45px" class="md-card-image" alt="image caption">                      <div class="edit_block" layout="row" layout-align="center" style="width:100%;height:30%;margin-bottom:2.75%;">                          <md-button></md-button>                      </div>                       <img src="" width="45px" height="45px" class="md-card-image" alt="image caption">                      <div class="edit_block" layout="row" layout-align="center"  style="width:100%;height:30%;margin-bottom:2.75%;">                          <md-button>edit application</md-button>                      </div>                       <img src="" width="45px" height="45px" class="md-card-image" alt="image caption">                      <div class="edit_block" layout="row" layout-align="center" style="width:100%;height:30%;margin-bottom:2.75%;">                          <md-button>learn more</md-button>                      </div>                    </md-card-content>      </md-card>      <md-card id="learn_more" >                  <md-card-content ng-class="" style="width:100%;height:100%">                     learn more card                  </md-card-content>      </md-card>      <md-card id="main_card" >                  <md-card-content ng-class="" style="width:100%;height:100%">                     <button ng-click="changez()">change z</button>                  </md-card-content>      </md-card>                   </div>

if 1 has ideas on how can use ng-repeat here appreciated.

ng-repeat iterates on array, should first build data model/object holds of card information display. additionally may add of css styles object well.

sample object:

{      name:"edit_card",     content: [         {             buttontext: "edit application",             style: {                 width: "100%",                 height: "30%",                 "margin-bottom": "2.75%"             }         },         {             buttontext: "learn more",             style: {                 width: "100%",                 height: "30%",                 "margin-bottom": "2.75%"             }         }     ] } 

so have object each of cards , assemble them array so...

$scope.arrayofcards = [     { name: "edit_card" ... },     { name: "learn_more" ... },     { name: "main_card" ... } ]; 

then implement ng-repeat this:

<div class="md-padding" layout="row" layout-wrap >     <md-card ng-repeat="card in arrayofcards" id="{{}}">         <md-card-content ng-class="" style="width:100%;height:100%">         // optionally can iterate through content array example above created.             <div ng-repeat="content in card">                 <img src="" width="45px" height="45px" class="md-card-image" alt="image caption">                 <div class="edit_block" layout="row" layout-align="center" ng-style="">                 <md-button>{{content.buttontext}}</md-button>                 </div>             </div>     </md-card-content> </md-card>