Rails Devise restrict IP address access for admin users -

my project uses devise authentication (fairly standard). users can either normal users or administrator users.

i have requirement restrict login administrator users ip addresses (behind firewall).

i briefly considered use rails routing constraint, not applicable, since ordinary users , admin users log in through same login page.

so, want is:

  1. let devise handle authentication
  2. hook authentication cycle , verify administrators:
  3. if logged in user of type: administrator, verify ip address
  4. if valid ip, continue
  5. if ip address not within accepted range, don't login

how should hook devise login cycle here? , how either accept or reject login attempt based on custom validation?

i using rails 4.2 , devise 4.1 if relevant

don't use devise this. let them log in, user or admin - base access controllers on ip address. redirect if don't have access.

make admin namespace , base controller. can add routes easily. subclass other admin related controllers admin base controller inherit before action.

class admin::basecontroller > applicationcontroller   before_action require_valid_ip    def require_valid_ip     # test ip.  redirect if bad   end   end 

other classes subclassed basecontroller

class admin::othercontroller > admin::basecontroller     ... end 

you can put lot of in authorization gem cancan, though can overly complicated if needs simple.